- Deep Learning and Neural Networks with Kevin Duh:
- NY Course by Yann LeCun: ,
- NIPS 2015 by Yann LeCun and Yoshua Bengio ()(,)
- ICML 2013 by Yann Lecun ()
- Geoffery Hinton’s cousera course on
- Stanford 231n : Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition (, , , , , , )
- Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge , arxiv
- GTC Deep Learning
- Hugo Larochelle Neural Networks ,
- My youtube
- Yaser Abu-Mostafa’s Learning from Data (youtube )
- Stanford CS224d: Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing: , youtube , ,
- Neural Networks for Machine Perception:
- Deep Learning for NLP (without magic): , , , ,
- Introduction to Deep Learning with Python: , ,
- Machine Learning course with emphasis on Deep Learning by Nando de Freitas (), course , torch
- NIPS 2013 Deep Learning for Computer Vision Tutorial – Rob Fergus: ,
- Tensorflow
- NVidia’s Deep Learning
- My flipboard
AMIs, Docker images & Install Howtos
- Stanford 231n AMI: image is
, AMI ID:ami-125b2c72, Caffe, Torch7, Theano, Keras and Lasagne are pre-installed. Python bindings of caffe are available. It has CUDA 7.5 and CuDNN v3.
- AMI for AWS EC2 (g2.2xlarge): ubuntu14.04-mkl-cuda-dl (ami-03e67874) in Ireland Region: , Installed stuffs: Intel MKL, CUDA 7.0, cuDNN v2, theano, pylearn2, CXXNET, Caffe, cuda-convnet2, OverFeat, nnForge, Graphlab Create (GPU), etc.
- for installing the
- Public EC2 AMI with Torch and Caffe deep learning toolkits (ami-027a4e6a):
- Install Theano on AWS (ami-b141a2f5 with CUDA 7):
- Running Caffe on AWS Instance via Docker: , ,
- CVPR 2015 ITorch Tutorial (ami-b36981d8): , ,
- Torch/iTorch/Ubuntu 14.04 Docker : docker pull kaixhin/torch
- Torch/iTorch/CUDA 7/Ubuntu 14.04 Docker : docker pull kaixhin/cuda-torch
- AMI containing Caffe, Python, Cuda 7, CuDNN, and all dependencies. Its id is ami-763a311e (disk min 8G,system is 4.6G),
- My at GitHub
Examples and Tutorials
- IPython Caffe
- IPython , arxiv , rcnn , selective
- with Torch 7
- Deep Learning with Theano/Python, ,
- Torch ,
- with Caffe
- an Object Classifier in Torch-7 on multiple GPUs over
- Stanford Deep Learning Matlab based (, )
- DIY Deep Learning for Vision: A Hands on tutorial with Caffe ()
- Tutorial on Deep Learning for Vision CVPR 2014:
- Pylearn2 : ,
- Pylearn2 ,
- So you wanna try deep learning? from SnippyHollow
- Object Detection from SnippyHollow
- Filter Visualization from SnippyHollow
- on CNN and DBN, and
- CVPR 2015 Caffe
- on Amazon EC2 GPU with Python and nolearn
- build and run your first deep learning network (, behind paywall)
- Tensorflow
- Illia Polosukhin’s Getting Started with Tensorflow – , ,
- at NIPS 2015
- CNTK: , , ,
- CNTK and
- Geoffery Hinton: , Reddit (11/10/2014)
- Yann LeCun: , NYU Research , Reddit (5/15/2014)
- Yoshua Bengio: , Reddit (2/27/2014)
- Clement Fabaret: (), , code
- Andrej Karpathy: , , ,
- Michael I Jordan: , Reddit (9/10/2014)
- Andrew Ng: , Reddit (4/15/2015)
- Jurden Schmidhuber: , Reddit (3/4/2015)
- Nando de Freitas: , , Reddit (12/26/2015)
- MNIST (),
- Kaggle
- Vision Benchmark Suite
- Ford Campus Vision and Lidar
- PCL Lidar
- Pylearn2
Frameworks and Libraries
- Caffe: , ,
- Torch: , , ,
- Theano: ,
- Tensorflow: , , ,
- CNTK: , ,
- CuDNN:
- PaddlePaddle: , , ,
- fbcunn:
- pylearn2: ,
- cuda-convnet2: , ,
- nnForge:
- Deep Learning software
- Torch vs. Theano
- Overfeat: , , , ,
- Keras: , ,
- Deeplearning4j: ,
- Lasagne: ,
- Scene Understanding (CVPR 2013, Lecun) (), ()
- Overfeat: Integrated Recognition, Localization and Detection using Convolutional Networks ()
- Parsing Natural Scenes and Natural Language with Recursive Neural Networks: , ICML 2011
- Machine Learning Reddit
- Computer Vision Reddit
- Reddit: Neural Networks: ,
- Reddit: Deep Learning: ,
- Learning Deep Architectures for AI, Bengio ()
- Neural Nets and Deep Learning (, )
- Deep Learning, Bengio, Goodfellow, Courville ()
- Neural Nets and Learning Machines, Haykin, 2008 ()
- ImageNet Classification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks, Alex Krizhevsky, Ilya Sutskever, Geoffrey E Hinton, NIPS 2012 ()
- Why does unsupervised pre-training help deep learning? ()
- Hinton06 – Autoencoders ()
- Deep Learning using Linear Support Vector machines ()
- Kaggle:
- Microsoft
- :